The Style Paper

Styling concept for a new fashion collection

Project Information
Conceptual basis for a fashion collection Concept, colours, material samples and campaign proposition all by T.S.P.

The Style Paper created a styling concept for a fashion brand. The brand is known for its minimalist designs but has been straying towards other, more experimental looks lately. The Style Paper advised to go back to its origins. The recognisable basic style that the brand is loved for.


After analysing the brand's background and previous collections, The Style Paper based the concept for a new collection on minimalism. Nothing is more basic than minimalist art. The American artist Donald Judd is a prime example. His robust objects made of glass, steel and concrete make a statement about simplicity and aesthetics. Not necessarily with an underlying philosophy, but simply ‘art for art’s sake’.

Project 002 1
Styling concept

Based on the shapes and colours in Judds’ work, The Style Paper created an inspiring concept for designers to work with. Three colour schemes and sketches together with fabric samples that make a solid concept for a casual, business and evening look.

Accessories and campaign

Tevens heeft The Style Paper inspiratiebeelden gezocht voor een bijpassende accessoire-lijn. En tips over hoe de campagne voor de nieuwe collectie gefotografeerd zou kunnen worden. Voor de lancering van de campagne maakte The Style Paper een voorstel voor een expositie van minimalistische kunst. Het werk van Donald Judd zou daarbij centraal staan, gecombineerd met andere kunstobjecten, maar ook de nieuwe accessoire-lijn. De modellen met de nieuwe mode collectie lopen daar tussendoor.

Accessories complement a collection. The Style Paper has also gathered inspirational examples for a new accessory line. These were included in the styling concept together with examples of product photography. For the launch of this collection, The Style Paper recommended an exhibition of minimalist art in a gallery or museum. Donald Judd's work would be combined with other art objects and the new accessory line. Models wearing the latest designs would walk through the exhibition, becoming part of the artwork.

Project 002 8
accessories inspiration and concept product shoot
Project 002 9
back to basic campaign concept

For every designer, it remains a challenge to create a new collection every season. The Style Paper can help with a concept based on a trend forecast to be used as inspiration for fashion designers or buyers.

Looking for inspiration for a new (fashion) collection? Or do you need some buying advice for your store? Contact The Style Paper for more information.

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